
Nuestra presencia en las regiones

9 países estratégicos, con una oferta de servicios extendida a más de 19 países de todo el mundo

+120 Sedes en el mundo

50 Sedes industriales en Francia

28 abril 2023

Information on the governance code

Séché Environnement announces the adoption of the Middlenext Governance Code to replace the AFEP-MEDEF Code.

On April 28, 2023, the Board of Directors of Séché Environnement adopted the Middlenext Governance Code, replacing the AFEP-MEDEF Code to which it had been referring until then.

The Middlenext Governance Code proposes a governance model adapted to mid-sized companies and the capital structure of family businesses and is therefore more suitable for Séché Environnement.

This Code is available on the Middlenext website ( and the Company website (

Upcoming events : 

Consolidated results as of June 30, 2023 September 11, 2023 after market close

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