Ethics and compliance

Putting compliance at the heart of the Group's values
Our compliance program is structured around three pillars:
- Antitrust
- Anti-corruption
- International sanctions and embargos
In all our partnerships, we ensure we conduct ourselves in an exemplary manner throughout the collaboration, in line with the values we hold dear.
Codes of conduct form an integral part of the rules and regulations in force within each of the Group’s entities, and all employees have a duty to adhere to the principles they establish. By adopting best practice, we are able to more effectively anticipate high-risk situations and protect the reputation of Séché Environnement and its entities throughout the world.
All our codes of conduct
Code of conduct - Antitrust
Code of conduct anti-corruption
Code of conduct for tax purposes
Charter for responsible procurement
International sanctions and embargoes
Embargoes refer to trade restristrictions imposed by states or international organizations on other states, organizations or individuals. Embargoes generally tend to be politically motivated, but they give rise to economic sanctions that restrict imports, exports and financial transactions.
The values and commitments we uphold in France and around the world spur us to take particular care and stand firm in the way we conduct business. Our strict risk prevention program adheres to current ethics regulations and international law.
In order to scrupulously comply with international regulations, our internal procedures require all Group employees to systematically inform the Compliance Department before engaging in a relationship with a foreign business or third party.
The Ethics Alert System
If you wish to report a breach of our ethical commitments or our legal obligations, please use our
Séché Environnement Group’s Alert System
We will do our best to answer you as soon as possible.