Reinventing your career, Jocelyn - industrial water treatment technician

Can you tell us about your career path?
I’m 54 years old and have had a rather atypical career. After a DUT in mechanics, I quickly joined the world of work as a technician. I tried out several companies, mainly on a temporary basis, before moving into the refrigeration industry, where I was a cold chain specialist
Gradually, I progressed and got a cross-functional management role, which involved a lot of management, performance management and so on. It was an interesting position, but I found myself disconnected from the field and from the technique which is my real passion.
How did you join the Group?
When the opportunity to become an industrial technician at Séché Traitement des Eaux Industrielles (STEI) arose, I didn’t hesitate it was an opportunity to get back in touch with a more hands-on job that I knew well, and at the same time discover a new industrial sector. Recruitment was very quick. It all took place within a week. During the job interviews, the interpersonal aspect was very important, and I had real encounters with great professionals.
And then the integration process was meticulous : as soon as I arrived, I was given a presentation of the business lines and internal processes. I was well taken care of, and quickly found my bearings. I’ve been to quite a few companies… you don’t get welcomed like that everywhere !
What are your missions today?
As an industrial technician at STEI, I’m in charge of both preventive and curative maintenance for water treatment plants. It’s a role that allows me to get back into the technical side of things, but also to be the direct guarantor of customer satisfaction. Of course, I also have more administrative tasks. They give me a more global view of the business, which is sometimes lacking when you’re a technician. I have experience, I can have ideas, a vision of things and at STEI that’s something that’s respected and even valued.
What advice would you give to someone considering applying as an industrial technician at Séché Environnement?
I would simply say, “Why are you hesitating?”. If you like working in the field, with technical skills and a human touch, this is the company you need to develop your career. What’s more, it’s a Group where employee safety is taken very seriously. In our business, that’s important.
Nos Talents
Tous nos talensAndréa laboratory technician
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