Mobilising teams for an efficient safety policy
Tell us about how you came to join Séché Environnement?
I have a degree (DUT) in Chemistry and I started out as an HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) manager. After an initial period working in the metallurgy sector, I then moved to a factory that specialised in manufacturing refractory ceramic fibres. I was looking for a job in an industrial facility that challenged me and gave me the opportunity to lead a team, and this led me to Séché Environnement.
What does your job entail?
I am currently Safety manager for the waste treatment and recovery site at Salaise-sur-Sanne. Whilst I can rely on my technical expertise to implement an efficient Safety policy, I also need to have communication skills. I am particularly focused on strengthening risk awareness and the sustainable mobilisation of the teams.
What is your favourite professional memory?
In one of my previous jobs, an intern in the Corporate Secretary’s office had to draw up documents for communicating about Safety. At the end of her internship, she decided to go into safety. I was proud to have been an inspiration behind her decision to change career path.
Industry is a male-dominated sector. How do you find this?
I have always been in industry, which is a male-dominated field, and I’ve never had any issues in this respect. I had the opportunity to have professional interactions based on mutual respect with some great people. I appreciated the frankness of our relationships and the freedom to say what we think. I have never experienced any sexism.
What advice would you give to young women starting out in this field?
You don’t need to be a tomboy to work in a predominately male environment. Be natural, believe that you are equal to the men and be confident. You also need to enjoy yourself and have a real desire to learn and acquire a range of professional experiences.
What don’t your colleagues know about you?
I am passionate about botany. When I travel, I like to bring back rare plants that I try and acclimatise. I also learnt how to create bonsai from a seedling or a cutting. I love doing DIY and creating decorative items from recycled material.
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