
Our local presence

We operate in more than 15 countries, close to the needs of our customers.

+120 locations worldwide

50 industrial sites in France

To go further

Our talents

Raphaël Video director

Are you familiar with the job of video operator?
Control, inspection, geo-referencing, ... For the past fifteen years, Raphaël has been travelling the length and breadth of the Paris region, inspecting and checking sewer networks using cameras and directional robots

Albane Works Engineer

From technical and financial site management to relations with project stakeholders, she tells us all about her job!

Hadrien QSE Engineer

On decontamination or effluent treatment sites, Hadrien is on hand to ensure that safety rules are respected and that everyone goes home in good health.

David Tanker truck driver

Working environment, family balance, time management, compliance with safety rules, David tells us all about his job.

Vincent Operating chemist

Tests, technical analyses and identification of the physico-chemical characteristics of waste hold no secrets for him.

Marjorie Chemin The logistics behind hazardous materials

Marjorie Chemin is Operations Manager at Séché Healthcare's waste from healthcare activities with infectious risks (DASRI) collection centre in Lyon. When the Covid19 epidemic hit, hospitals, nursing homes and all healthcare establishments had to face up to it. So did Marjorie and her team.

Eve Masurel The Science of waste treatment

Eve Masurel is a chemical engineer at the Séché Environnement R&D center in Saint Vulbas (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes). With a doctorate in process engineering, she coordinates projects to improve industrial facilities and accumulates knowledge of the vast waste treatment sector.

Winnie Ramaru Empowering others

Winnie Ramaru works as a Waste Acceptance Manager in Interwaste treatment division, Maluti, South Africa. She is passionate about environmental sustainability and she considers of paramount importance to reuse resources, water and energy.

Valérie Coulato Industry a human adventure

Valérie Coulato is director of the Speichim Processing site in Mourenx (Nouvelle Aquitaine), which carries out solvent regeneration as part of a circular economy approach. The secret of her career success can be summed up in two words: determination and perseverance.

Catherine Clément Logistics technician

Catherine Clément joined Séché HealthCare just over three years ago as a Logistics Technician. Her duties are varied and involve dealing with both internal teams and customers. Her goal: to satisfy customers while keeping her teams motivated! Séché HealtCare recruits and trains people with or without experience on a daily basis. Please contact us to find out about current opportunities.
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