
Our local presence

9 strategic countries, with a service offering extended to more than 19 countries worldwide

+120 locations worldwide

50 industrial sites in France

Promoting health and safety in a clean environment

Photo environnement saint © Séché Environnement

We protect the environment to protect public health

We strongly believe that the more we do to take care of the environment through our activities, the more we take care of public health. Given the nature of our work, we specialize in managing environmental risks and minimizing our impact.


We preserve air, soil and water quality

This expertise is the reason we are regularly called upon by manufacturers, public authorities, and the fire service, as well as international organizations including the United Nations, the FAO and European bodies.

We play a key role in improving sanitation

Throughout the recent SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, Séché Environnement played a central role in sanitation by continuing to treat all kinds of waste, including Potentially Infectious Medical Waste (PIMW), household waste, industrial waste and hazardous waste, despite often very complex conditions. Séché Environnement supported national health services and care homes to deal with the increase in the volume of medical waste generated as a result of Covid-19. Our solutions for healthcare professional (manufacturers, healthcare establishments, laboratories, etc.) guarantee compliance and traceability of waste in accordance with public health and hygiene standards.

We proactively improve public health for the future

At our hazardous waste storage facilities, each batch of waste is tracked using 3D positioning GPS data so we can extract it in the future if necessary. 

Furthermore, we engage in R&D to understand how to more effectively handle new materials used in industry. With support from the French environment agency ADEME, and working alongside the French National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks (INERIS) and the Institut Mines Télécom Atlantique, we have conducted a number of pioneering studies into the risks of the the end-of-life stage of nanomaterials.

“The Group's safety policy is central to achieving operational excellence. Everywhere it operates, Séché Environnement goes to every length to safeguard employee health and safety, consistently targeting zero accidents.”
Maxime Séché, CEO © Séché Environnement

Maxime Séché

CEO of Séché Environnement

Health & Safety for all

We have a duty to do everything possible to achieve three key objectives: zero accidents, zero occupational illnesses, zero pollution. 

If we are to achieve these objectives, we must remain vigilant at all times. Our efforts to protect our people, including our occupational health and safety management system, was recognized with OHSAS 18001 certification back in 2003. The Group draws on the expertise of nearly 40 Quality, Safety, Health and Environment (QSHE) managers and a team of six risk prevention officers. 

We do everything in our power to protect our people and prevent workplace accidents and occupational diseases. We encourage everyone to protect their physical integrity and that of others. Our widescale Group campaign to raise awareness about risk prevention even has its own mascot – Skipper!

In 2021, the Group held its first Safety Awards as part of the VITAL project. The aim is to bolster our safety culture and work toward achieving zero accidents across all our facilities. These awards recognize the effort of our people to promote an ever-safer working environment.

Health, Safety and Environment Quality Charter

Occupational health and safety: what the specialists say

Our Group boasts nearly 40 Quality, Safety, Health and Environment (QSHE) managers and a team of six risk prevention officers. Drawing on the overall vision of the main risks facing the Group, they put in place cross-divisional preventive measures as well as providing their expertise and advice to operational staff,  managers and executives.

Watch this video to find out more!

Download our latest integrated report

  1. Energy and climate
  2. Circular economy
  3. Water cycle
  4. Hazard and risk management
  5. Biodiversity
Integrated report 2023: Accelerating our / your transitions

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