
Our local presence

9 strategic countries, with a service offering extended to more than 19 countries worldwide

+120 locations worldwide

50 industrial sites in France

Biodiversity, forming the heart of nature

Biodiversity: nature at its heart © Séché Environnement

Sustainable practices to protect nature

As our biodiversity strategy forms such an integral part of who we are, we wanted it to faithfully reflect our ethos, which is why we named it Sustainable Practices to Protect Nature.
Observation of a pond. ©Séché Environnement

For nearly 40 years, Séché Environnement has placed the need to protect nature at the heart of everything it does. Our corporate strategy requires the input and expertise of specialists, buy-in from our people and the determination of our executives. We often go over and above regulatory requirements, and were the first in the industry to involve our in-house ecologists in building our industrial development plan


We all have a part to play in protecting biodiversity!

Our ecologists are supported by a network of biodiversity ambassadors at all our sites who have volunteered to further our efforts in France and around the world (Spain, Peru, South Africa and Chile). Their role on the ground is to lead and structure action plans tailored to suit the ecological priorities and situation specific to the area around each site.

For example, at our Changé facility in northwest France (an area characterized by its mixed woodland and pasture), we planted thousands of trees and more than 25 km of hedgerow. Furthermore, 20 ha of this site were listed as an Environmentally Sensitive Area, recognizing its importance as a genuine refuge for biodiversity. Around 30 ponds were created to build wet corridors where wildlife can live freely.

We raise awareness of the importance of such efforts by educating our own employees, as well as the wider public and in particular young people by partnering with local schools and non-profits (5,500 people visit our sites each year). We organize a range of activities, such as an introduction to birds of prey, how to build a bird feeder or insect hotel, or nature walks to teach people about local flora and fauna as well as how they can help protect it.

Putting the environment at the heart of what we do

By virtue of the very nature of our business, we have developed specialist technical expertise that helps protect biodiversity. For example:

  • Our solutions to rehabilitate sites enable us to reclaim brownfield or former landfill sites. Businesses and local authorities can then return to these sites and thereby avoid the land take and urban sprawl if they were to move to virgin green spaces.
  • Our environmental emergency intervention services come into play in the event of a natural catastrophe, industrial incident or road traffic incident that could pollute the natural environment, threatening public health and biodiversity. By taking early action and mobilizing the correct resources, we are able to considerably reduce the damaging impact this kind of situation can have of ecosystems.

This expertise and culture that values the living world also enables us to advise our clients regarding their own sites. We have worked with hospitals and care homes in Poitou-Charentes to teach them how to apply sustainable gardening practices (meadows, nesting boxes, etc.) in their green spaces, and we also assist many industrial facilities to put in place incident response plans.


5 core priorities


We strive to find alternative solutions so we do not impact biodiversity and ecosystems, taking action right from the start of industrial projects and all throughout the time the site is in operation. For example, we avoid land take and disrupting sensitive natural habitats such as wetlands. We take account of all forms of biodiversity, not simply protected species.

We strive to find alternative solutions so we do not impact biodiversity and ecosystems, taking action right from the start of industrial projects and all throughout the time the site is in operation. For example, we avoid land take and disrupting sensitive natural habitats such as wetlands. We take account of all forms of biodiversity, not simply protected species.


When it is not possible to avoid certain negative impacts, we take all necessary measures to reduce their duration and impact. For example, by stopping wildlife entering construction sites.

When it is not possible to avoid certain negative impacts, we take all necessary measures to reduce their duration and impact. For example, by stopping wildlife entering construction sites.


We renature our industrial sites throughout the time they are in operation by taking care to recreate habitats that offer all the conditions to encourage endemic species to reproduce, thereby ensuring they can find their natural habitats and reproduction zones.

We renature our industrial sites throughout the time they are in operation by taking care to recreate habitats that offer all the conditions to encourage endemic species to reproduce, thereby ensuring they can find their natural habitats and reproduction zones.


In addition to our efforts to avoid/reduce/offset the impact we have on nature, we put in place initiatives to support biodiversity. Our nature team has therefore planted over 25 km of hedgerow across more than 250 ha.

In addition to our efforts to avoid/reduce/offset the impact we have on nature, we put in place initiatives to support biodiversity. Our nature team has therefore planted over 25 km of hedgerow across more than 250 ha.


We regularly conduct audits of the wildlife living on our sites, and closely monitor the ecological quality of natural habitats. This is how we measure the suitability, effectiveness and long-term success of our efforts and developments. We are thereby able to adjust them in pursuit of continuous improvement.

We regularly conduct audits of the wildlife living on our sites, and closely monitor the ecological quality of natural habitats. This is how we measure the suitability, effectiveness and long-term success of our efforts and developments. We are thereby able to adjust them in pursuit of continuous improvement.

Our public partnerships to protect nature

Act4nature international

Act4nature international, an alliance supported by EpE (Entreprises pour l’Environnement), brings together scientists, NGOs and public bodies alongside conscientious businesses. We were one of the first companies in France to integrate the alliance.
Logo Companies committed to nature

Companies committed to nature

Séché Environnement has been involved involved in this initiative supported by the Office Française de la Biodiversité and represents the French branch of Act4nature International.

Our biodiversity partners

National Museum of Natural History (NMNH)

Participation in initiatives to monitor bird and bat populations, support for actitivities organized by the Museum (for example the restoration of collections, exhibition at the Marinarium de Concarneau and events put on by Biogée). Séché Environnement has been a longstanding partner of MNHN.

League for Protection of Birds (LPO)

Wildlife audits, creation of an ecological indicator, development work, and raising awareness among teams. The LPO is a key partner. We support its programs such as "Des Terres et des Ailes" and “l'Éphéméride de la biodiversité” designed for primary school children.

Local environment non-profits

We bolster our action on the ground by speaking and working with many local non-profits, branches of the LPO, FNE, independent charities working to protect nature and the Centre Permanent d’Initiation à l’Environnement (CPIE).

Key dates for biodiversity at Séché

First biodiversity impact study carried out at the Changé facility with an ecologist, laying the foundation for an ambitious biodiversity preservation strategy.
Creation of an in-house nature team.
First company in the world from our industry to earn ISO 14001 certification (environmental management system), since the standard was developed.
Beginning of the implementation of sustainable gardening in green spaces.
Integration of landscaping and biodiversity considerations in the way we manage non-hazardous waste storage facilities.
14 Group sites pledge to protect biodiversity, as part of the French national biodiversity strategy (SNB).
Biodiversity certification and triple QSE (Quality, Safety, Environment) certification of our larger facilities.
The Group joined the movement "Entreprises Engagées pour la Nature - Act4Nature France".
Bolstering of our biodiversity strategy with our Sustainable Practices to Protect Nature plan.
Séché is partner to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
Launch of a new cycle of voluntary pledges for 2027.

Our action on the ground to protect biodiversity

Monitoring bioindicators

We conduct audits and monitor species such as amphibians, bats, bird and flying insects that serve to measure the impact we are having on the environment.

Connecting environmentally sensitive areas

Our industrial projects take account of environmentally sensitive areas that are home to a great many species. We connect these areas to form environmental corridors.

Adopting sustainable gardening at our facilities

Every green space needs to be managed in its own coordinated way, combining conservation grazing, delayed mowing, conservation of dead trees, identification of wildlife traps, and elimination of pesticides.

Rehabilitating and creating natural habitats 

We are gradually rehabilitating former industrial zones to reintoroduce micro habitats for wildlife, including meadows, ponds and wetlands. Our efforts have in particular helped preserve amphibians such as the marbled newt, birds such as the common linnet, and plants such as the giant orchid.
“Among other things, the Group's Biodiversity team intervenes at the very beginning of projects. We strive to minimize the impact we have on the planet and recreate the most natural environment possible, encouraging wildlife to flourish.”

Marion Touchard

Biodiversity project manager at Séché Environnement

Our biodiversity pledges in figures

of our sites are now part of "Entreprises Engagées pour la Nature - Act4Nature international".
ecologists monitor our industrial sites.
initiatives to preserve ailing biodiversity across regions between 2019 and 2022.
62 %
of water extracted from our sites is returned to the environment after treatment in 2024.

Biodiversity: what the specialists say

Download our latest integrated report

  1. Energy and climate
  2. Circular economy
  3. Water cycle
  4. Hazard and risk management
  5. Biodiversity
Integrated report 2023: Accelerating our / your transitions (FR)

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