Séché Environnement soil treatment platform in Rocques-sur-Garonne receives Recyterre certification

The teams at Séché Eco Services, who are heavily involved in the circular economy, have developed solutions to enable the re-use of polluted soil after treatment, thereby reducing the consumption of virgin aggregates.
In recognition of this expertise, in late December the Roques-sur-Garonne platform to the south of Toulouse received “Exemplary”-level certification from Recyterre, the highest certification level. This is the first platform outside Paris to be certified for soil treatment.
Created for the Greater Paris area by the Fédération des entreprises du recyclage (Federec) and the Syndicat des entreprises de déconstruction, dépollution et recyclage (Seddre), this excellence label is awarded to soil treatment companies that offer strong guarantees in terms of traceability. It is also a guarantee for users of recycled materials that these products will offer high environmental and technical quality.
“We are a local partner for public and private developers, and we contribute to the success of these frequently large-scale programs by offering treatment solutions. This label is an acknowledgment of our expertise. It provides an additional guarantee for our purchasing advisers, and offers added encouragement to continue our circular economy agenda.”
Nicolas Nouviale, Director of Soil Treatment Platforms.
Every year, the Roques-sur-Garonne platform processes more than 60,000 tons of soil from worksites or development programs in the Toulouse area. 80% of the processed soil comes from a radius of less than 20 km. After processing, more than 70% of the soil may be re-used, including for restoration operations.
An exhaustive audit of the platform’s activities and organization, conducted over the second of half of 2021, focused on four main areas:
- compliance with regulations,
- effective management of incoming and outgoing material flows,
- the quality of the materials sold,
- compliance with strict safety and environmental procedures.
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