Séché Environnement in charge of evacuating and treating residues from the fire at the Bolloré Logistics warehouse in Grand-Couronne (Seine-Maritime)

Séché Urgences Interventions has deployed a team of 12 highly qualified people to bring the fire residues to safety, and has the means to guarantee the safety of site operations. All waste will be taken in charge and sent to the treatment centers of Tredi, a subsidiary of Séché Environnement. Séché Urgences Interventions is thus deploying its know-how and logistical capabilities to guarantee optimal, safe waste management during this operation, contributing to both site clean-up and environmental protection. This action is part of the company’s global response to industrial crisis situations, in particular the risks associated with hazardous materials such as lithium batteries.
About Séché Environnement
Séché Environnement is a leading player in waste management, including the most complex and hazardous waste, and environmental services, particularly in the event of environmental emergencies. Thanks to its expertise in creating circular economy loops, decarbonization and hazard control, and its cutting-edge technologies developed by its R&D, Séché Environnement has been contributing to the ecological transition of industries and territories as well as to the protection of living beings for nearly 40 years. A family-owned French industrial group, Séché Environnement supports its customers through subsidiaries in 9 strategic countries and more than 120 locations worldwide, including some 50 industrial sites in France. With some 7,300 employees, including around 3,000 in France, Séché Environnement generated sales of €1,110.4 million in 2024, around 32% of which were generated internationally.
Séché Environnement est coté sur l’Eurolist d’Euronext (compartiment B) depuis le 27 novembre 1997. Le titre appartient aux indices CAC Mid&Small, EnterNext Tech 40 et EnterNext PEA-PME 150. ISIN : FR 0000039139 – Bloomberg : SCHP.FP – Reuters : CCHE.PA
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