Séché Environnement patron of Clim'Actions

Clim’Actions is a citizen’s laboratory of ideas and projects to anticipate, accompany the impacts of climate change and act in a concrete, collaborative and positive way.
Its goal : to mobilize as broadly as possible inhabitants, social, economic (businesses), academic, institutional and political players in order to reduce our territory’s impact on the climate and help it adapt to the already visible consequences of climate change.
Clim’Actions thus develops programs and projects to raise awareness, limit and adapt to climate change.
L’Ecosite de la Croix-Irtelle, a subsidiary of Séché Environnement, has been a patron of the association since the beginning of 2024 for the program ” New forests for climate and biodiversity “.
Within this framework, a first collaborative project consisted in carrying out a plantation with highly diversified species adapted to the soil and climate change and labeled ” Végétal local “.
So, on February 2, an event took place on the Butte du Temple, in the commune of La Vraie-Croix (56). In the presence of elected representatives Pascal Guiblin (mayor of the commune), Simon Uzenat (senator for Morbihan), and the Clim’Actions association represented by Dominique Pirio, its president, and Aline Vélo, volunteers from Langroez and pupils from various schools, our Séché teams were able to take part in the planting of over 1,000 trees.
At this event, Séché’s teams took part in the planting of over 1,000 trees
Impelled by Questembert Communauté, this action linking the environment, Man and the territory is a fine achievement for the benefit of future generations.
Let the adventure continue…
We will do our best to answer you as soon as possible.