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21 April 2022

2021 Integrated Report: Decarbonizing the Economy Together

Together, let's decarbonize the economy - Integrated report 2021
Séché Environnement, a historic player in waste management, continues to grow in the fields of the circular economy and decarbonization. Through its activities in the service of the environment, the Group participates in the preservation of natural resources, the climate and biodiversity, while creating value for its private and public clients. Overview of our 2021 integrated report.

#1 A global group to accelerate the circular economy

The business of taking care of waste from companies and communities is no longer aimed solely at the treatment of waste, but at its reintegration into the economic circuit. The shift from a linear economy – extract, produce, consume, throw away – to a circular economy also helps decarbonize the economy. For a group like Séché, this change implies significant industrial development – including internationally – in order to implement a wide range of complementary, high-quality solutions in all regions.

#2 A group committed to the climate

In 2021, Séché Environnement announced its decarbonization strategy, designed to be in line with the Paris Agreement, which limits global warming to 1.5°C, and the French National Low Carbon Strategy (SNBC). The strategy is the result of several months of collective work, and was based on data collected in the field from the Group’s numerous French and international sites, with the support of the specialist research firm Carbone 4.

#3 An innovative group as a partner for the ecological transition of industry

The IPCC reminds us of the absolute urgency to act against climate change. Beyond that, experts are warning of other ecological emergencies due to anthropic tensions on resources and biodiversity. In this context, companies have a decisive role to play in the ecological transition. Séché Environnement is positioned as a partner to accompany its customers towards a more sustainable, more responsible and less carbon-intensive industry.

#4 A group historically committed to biodiversity

This year, biodiversity was at the forefront of the international scene, particularly at the IUCN World Conservation Congress, of which Séché Environnement was a partner. The Congress highlighted the urgency of the fight against the interconnected crises of biodiversity and climate and the crucial role of business. The Séché Environnement Group’s proactive approach to protecting and preserving biodiversity is a transformative change. A team of ecologists and biodiversity ambassadors, leading field actions at the sites and in the territories, is integrated into the industrial structure and develops solutions to better protect the environment.

#5 A group of people serving the territories

The Group’s voluntary policies aim to offer quality jobs, to be a sustainable part of the regions in which it operates and to initiate local partnerships to benefit environmental and social issues. Séché Environnement envisages a long-term vision for each of its activities, enabling them to participate in the development of a socially and environmentally desirable future

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