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6 March 2019

Séché Environnement finalizes Interwaste acquisition and takes a leading position in South and Southern Africa

Séché and Interwaste will combine their expertise to develop new environmental solutions in these regions

On March 4, 2019, Séché Environnement Group (via its wholly owned subsidiary Séché South Africa PtyLtd) acquired 100% of all issued shares of Interwaste Holdings Limited which has today been delisted from the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.

Through this acquisition, Séché Environnement is entering the South African markets to respond to local clients’ growing waste management needs and to support the development of this region’s waste market toward the circular economy.

By combining the complementary expertise of these two family-owned businesses built on social and environmental values, this transaction accelerates Interwaste’s growth in its markets by offering innovative waste-management solutions to industrial and municipal clients, and creating a new international operator in the circular economy and waste management in South Africa.

Building on nearly 40 years as an internationally recognized waste management expert, Séché Environnement uses the most advanced technology for waste recovery and treatment, particularly hazardous waste, and most advanced expertise in decontamination and site rehabilitation.

Founded in 1989, with about 2000 employees, Interwaste is a major regional integrated waste management operator and relies on industrial and municipal waste treatment expertise that conforms to the highest environmental standards, efficient logistics, and a philosophy of innovation and continuous improvement. As an expert in the circular economy, Séché Environnement will reinforce Interwaste’s strategic approach to material and energy recovery to meet the region’s current regulatory challenges and imperatives.

As an expert in industrial waste, Séché Environnement intends to provide its skills in the treatment of hazardous waste such as PCBs, mercury and pesticides, in particular for the mining, petrochemical and food processing industries, in keeping with the applicable regulatory requirements.

Alan Willcocks, CEO of Interwaste, comments on the deal: “The two companies share one culture and one philosophy. I’m sure we will work well together. Just like Interwaste, Séché Environnement is a family-owned business built on strong values: respect for its employees, a focus on transparency, and the importance of promoting sustainable growth. Séché Environnement stands out for its capacity to provide high-level services to its clients, particularly for treating complex hazardous waste that requires cutting-edge technology.

Séché Environnement first announced its plan to acquire Interwaste on November 2, 2018. After Interwaste shareholders gave their virtually unanimous approval on January 9, 2019, the South African competition authorities approved the deal, which was finalized on March 4, 2019 with the transfer of 100% of the shares to Séché Environnement, and Interwaste’s delisting today from the Johannesburg stock exchange.

This acquisition fits in with Séché Environnement’s strategy to increase its presence in the new international waste management markets, particularly in the emerging economies. The Group aims to make the most of their strong growth potential driven by very favorable demographic, economic, environmental, and regulatory trends. Séché Environnement currently operates in 15 countries with nearly 2400 employees, mostly in Europe and South America.

In South Africa, as in many countries around the world, controlling waste management – which includes analysis, logistics, recycling, recovery, treatment and, if necessary, storage in classified facilities – is essential to protecting the environment. Séché and Interwaste will contribute to the sustainable development of South Africa’s economy and population, by investing in new technology and applying stringent environmental standards, thereby creating wealth and jobs for the country.

“Each of the 15 countries in which we are currently operating has its own regulatory approach. We are well aware of our social responsibility, and we will fully support Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) in South Africa. Séché intends to adhere to the B-BBEE principles, thus doing its part to promote equality in South Africa,” note Maxime and Guillaume Séché, sons of Joël Séché, founder and CEO of Séché Environnement.

Séché Environnement’s ambition is to further the development of Interwaste and the diversification of its activities with the objective of protecting the populations and the environment in South Africa. “It is gratifying to welcome Interwaste into the Group. It will be a growth platform for Séché Environnement throughout Southern African and beyond,” adds Joël Séché.

About Interwaste:

Interwaste is a South African integrated waste management company also operating in Mozambique. With 30 years’ experience, the Company posted annual revenue of more than €70 million in 2018 with a workforce of 2000 people. It provides a full range of waste-treatment services and deploys a broad network of 38 waste sorting and grouping platforms and more than 750 specialized facilities, plus various waste treatment and elimination sites. Interwaste also has a wide range of clients from the manufacturing, mining, raw materials, and energy industries, as well as the mass-market, pharmaceuticals, and retail sales segments. Today, Interwaste’s ambition is to be a leader in sustainable development and environmental protection.

About Séché Environnement

Séché Environnement is one of France’s leading players in the recovery and treatment of all types of waste, from both industry and local communities.

Séché Environnement is the leading independent operator in France. It is uniquely positioned as a specialist in highly complex waste, operating within regulated waste recovery and treatment markets with high barriers to entry.

Its facilities and expertise enable it to provide high value-added solutions to its industrial and public authority clients, targeting the challenges of the circular economy and sustainable development requirements, such as:

> the material and energy recovery of hazardous and non-hazardous waste;

> a comprehensive range of treatment solutions for solid, liquid and gaseous waste (thermal, physical-chemical and radiation treatment, etc.);

> the storage of final hazardous and non-hazardous waste;

> eco-services such as decontamination, decommissioning, asbestos removal and rehabilitation.

Leveraging its extensive expertise, Séché Environnement has successfully developed its environmental services business lines in waste management outsourcing markets for its clientele of large communities and major industrial companies both in France and abroad.

Séché Environnement has been listed on Eurolist by Euronext (Compartment B) since November 27, 1997.

It is eligible for equity savings funds dedicated to investing in SMEs and is listed in the CAC Mid&Small and Enternext PEA-PME 150 indexes. 

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