
Our local presence

We operate in more than 15 countries, close to the needs of our customers.

+120 locations worldwide

50 industrial sites in France

Séché Healthcare Pau

The waste management solutions provider supporting healthcare professionals in Pau

Safeguarding healthcare professionals and patients

At our Séché Healthcare facility in Pau, our team collects, sorts and treats waste produced by medical establishments, clinics, hospitals and veterinary surgeries in the local area.

Potentially infectious medical waste (PIMW) includes syringes, bandages, compresses or sharps and represents a risk to all those who handle it, which is why it must be decontaminated.

Our decontamination unit grinds up the waste and sterilizes soiled materials. Once disinfected, this homogenate no longer presents any risk to the health of our treatment operators. We provide both technical and administrative support to support our clients through every stage of the process. To facilitate collection, we supply adapted containers, and operate specially designed trucks to transport the waste to the appropriate treatment channels. All our collection drivers have received training specifically regarding the collection of infectious and toxic medical waste, as well as how to react in the event of an incident.

Practical information


Rue Saint-Exupéry
64230 Lescar, France

Tel: +33559 811 798

Communications Manager South-West
Danielle Escano

Valérie Coulato

Our equipment

Safety: our special PIMW trucks

Our vehicles are split into two compartments - one for uncontaminated packaging and the other a hermetic space for PIMW, which is washed and disinfected after every collection is unloaded.

Our solutions to create a positive impact

All solutions

Our commitment to the community

To help tackle the many emergencies facing society with respect to the climate, public health, biodiversity and natural resources, we are stepping up our efforts and objectives. Our local, circular, low-carbon solutions help bring about the essential transition toward a more responsible economy.
Find out more about the Group's commitments

Promoting safety in healthcare

By reducing the volume and limiting contact between people and potentially infectious medical waste, we help minimize the risk of infection. 

By reducing the volume and limiting contact between people and potentially infectious medical waste, we help minimize the risk of infection. 

Supporting healthcare professionals throughout the region

Our mission to safely collect and treat PIMW positions us as an essential link in the region’s healthcare system.

Our mission to safely collect and treat PIMW positions us as an essential link in the region’s healthcare system.

Our services

Handling PIMW

We supply containers tailored to suit your needs and collect the waste.

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