
Our local presence

We operate in more than 15 countries, close to the needs of our customers.

+120 locations worldwide

50 industrial sites in France

Séché Eco Services Laval

Specializing in asbestos removal, demolition, cleanup and decontamination operations for polluted sites (asbestos, lead, mercury, zinc, hydrocarbons, radioactivity, pyrotechnic remains…), Séché Eco Services Laval offers a range of solutions.
Asbestos removal from an industrial site. © Séché Environnement.

Specialist in the rehabilitation of polluted sites

Specializing in asbestos removal, demolition, cleanup and decontamination operations for polluted sites (asbestos, lead, mercury, zinc, hydrocarbons, radioactivity, pyrotechnic remains…), Séché Eco Services Laval offers a range of solutions.

For companies, we offer solutions for delegated management with the provision of personnel, or management of industrial effluents from design through to operation of industrial units.

For polluted soil management, we give priority to land reclamation. Depending on the situation, we implement solutions involving containment, in-situ treatment, off-site treatment or external channels.

For the management of polluted soils, we give priority to reclamation

Practical information


53811 CHANGÉ 

TÉL : 02 43 59 60 00

Sales Manager Polluted Sites and Soils
David Poirier

Guy-Lène Viel

Opening hours

Monday to Friday
08:00 – 18:00

Saturday and Sunday

Our certifications

Commitment to Quality and the Environment

Occupational Health and Safety Management

We will do our best to answer you as soon as possible.

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