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Preserving biodiversity

Z.E.S outdoor poster © Séché Environnement.

Reconciling industrial operations and biodiversity

From the outset, Séché Éco-Industries' Environment Division in Changé has made biodiversity a major component of its corporate strategy. Particular attention is paid to so-called "common" biodiversity, which makes up the richness of our territories.

Ecologists, working alongside the operating teams, define the actions
to be taken, which are based on 5 key areas:

  • protect common biodiversity,
  • define rehabilitation measures extending the local biotope,
  • participate in the general knowledge of common biodiversity (fauna and flora monitoring),
  • be a reception area for species,
  • create a place for cultural sharing and exchange about our heritage.

Three areas have been defined as Ecologically Sensitive Zones (Z.E.S). These areas are protected in order to preserve biodiversity.
Animals are also present in particular on these Z.E.S for eco-pasture maintenance.
The Morinière Valley educational trail, opened to the public in 2010, has been classified as “Sur le chemin de la Nature” and since 2015 as a “Refuge à papillons” (Mayenne Nature Environnement label).
The Environment Pole was certified by ECOCERT “Biodiversity Commitment” in 2015. This certification is recognition of 20 years of preserving biodiversity and allows us to include our actions in favor of biodiversity in a dynamic of continuous improvement through a “Biodiversity Commitment” Policy of the Séché Environnement Group.

Key figures

5 000
Average visits per year
2 500
trees of local species planted per year


Cell rehabilitation

Post-exploitation landscaping takes up the characteristics of the of the Mayenne landscape (hedgerows, hedgerows, etc.). They enable species to recolonization by species and enhance the visual integration of the site. This approach is supported by the landscape master plan which includes advance planning of planting and the prerogatives of and the prerogatives of differentiated management.

Genealogical arboretum

Protéger la biodiversité commune

Un schéma directeur paysager définissant la réhabilitation à terme de l’ensemble du parc permet d’appréhender le site dans son ensemble, et d’identifier les Zones Écologiques Sensibles à préserver (Z.E.S.). Les programmes de suivis permettent de vérifier la bonne efficacité des actions de préservation.

Listening to society's environmental concerns

The tours enable a wide audience to familiarize themselves with a little-known profession, and to appreciate the mastery with which the site is managed. These visits also provide an important educational opportunity on the environment and waste management (sorting, recycling, etc.)

Social and environmental responsibility: 5 commitments

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