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Frequently asked questions

Grouping of yellow garbage cans on the DASRI site © Séché Environnement

Share price

On which stock market index does the Séché Environnement share appear?

Séché Environnement is included on the main French and European indices used by fund managers – CAC MID & SMALL, ENTERNEXT PEA-PME 150, and ENTERNEXT TECH40

Séché Environnement is included on the main French and European indices used by fund managers – CAC MID & SMALL, ENTERNEXT PEA-PME 150, and ENTERNEXT TECH40

On which market is the Séché Environnement share listed?

Séché Environnement is listed on the Euronext, the Paris stock exchange.

Séché Environnement is listed on the Euronext, the Paris stock exchange.

What are the Isin, Bloomberg, and Reuters codes for the Séché Environnement share?

Reuters: CCHE.PA
Bloomberg: SCHP.FP
Isin: FR 0000039109

Reuters: CCHE.PA
Bloomberg: SCHP.FP
Isin: FR 0000039109

How is the Séché Environnement share performing?

Go to the Investors page to see how the share is performing, along with all other financial indicators.

Go to the Investors page to see how the share is performing, along with all other financial indicators.


How much does Séché Environnement pay in dividends?

Go to the Investors page to see how much Séché Environnement paid in dividends last year.

Go to the Investors page to see how much Séché Environnement paid in dividends last year.


When will Séché Environnement publish its next financial press release?

Go to the Agenda page to consult the annual calendar of financial announcements.

Go to the Agenda page to consult the annual calendar of financial announcements.

How do you access Séché Environnement's financial and non-financial reports?

The financial and non-financial reports can be downloaded in PDF format from the Reports page.

The financial and non-financial reports can be downloaded in PDF format from the Reports page.

Can't find what you're looking for?

Portrait Manuel Andersen © Séché Environnement

Head of Investor Relations
Portrait Laurent Baroux © Séché Environnement

Head of Shareholder Relations

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