Publications and presentations
Financial documents

2021 Half-year financial report
2020 Universal Registration Document
ESG bond issue November 2028
Déclaration 31 Octobre 2021
Monthly information relating to the total number of voting rights and shares comprising the share capital – October 2021
Q3 2021 activity: Contributed revenue +14%
Déclaration 30 Septembre 2021
Monthly information relating to the total number of voting rights and shares comprising the share capital – September 2021
Half-year results at June 30, 2021
Déclaration 31 aout 2021
Acquisition of the Agency Osis-IDF Municipality
Déclaration 31 juillet 2021
Déclaration 30 juin 2021
Séché is attending Oddo nextcap forum
Séché Environnement receives the Greentech & Energies award from the Growth Companies Summit
Déclaration 30 avril 2021
Combined annual general meeting of april 30, 2021
Déclaration 29 avril 2021
Strong activity in Q1 2021
Press release dated April 26, 2021 - Shareholder information: Composition of the Board
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