Acting for Biodiversity on the Lacq Site

The Lacq site, dedicated to the treatment and reclamation of polluted soils resulting from the rehabilitation of industrial wastelands, is a perfect example of this approach. Located at the foot of the Pyrenees mountains, this platform has become a concrete example of how to integrate biodiversity into an industrial environment.
Three Concrete Commitments for Biodiversity
- Protect and develop natural habitats
In 2023, an ecological diagnosis identified around 100 plant species and several heritage animal species – reptiles, birds and amphibians – present on the site. These observations have guided our initiatives to develop suitable habitats.
During an awareness-raising day, our employees actively participated in concrete projects:
- Construction of rock massifs and branch totems to shelter insects and lizards.
- Installation of nichoirs in trees to encourage bird nesting.
- Implementing differentiated management of green spaces, leaving areas to evolve freely to welcome pollinators and enrich biodiversity.
These developments show that even on an industrial site, it’s possible to coexist harmoniously with nature.
2. Raising awareness and involving stakeholders
Biodiversity education is a key element of our approach. Working with our teams and partners, we aim to impart the knowledge needed for everyone to become an ambassador for nature, both in the workplace and at home.
Ecologists support our employees in their efforts to protect the environment
Ecologists accompany our teams to understand the importance of biodiversity and encourage the implementation of favorable landscaping at home.
3. Taking action on a local scale
Beyond local actions, Séché Environnement is involved in territorial projects to maximize its impact. For example, close to the Lacq site, we have collaborated with the PERMAPS association and the students of a local secondary school on an ambitious project to plant 700 trees.
Our teams contributed their earthmoving expertise to prepare the soil, lay out trenches and dig the necessary holes. This contribution ensured efficient and sustainable planting, while raising awareness among the younger generation of the importance of biodiversity and soil.
These initiatives illustrate how our teams are working to ensure that the trees are planted in a sustainable way
These initiatives illustrate how modest gestures can generate significant results. With simple means – a mechanical shovel, know-how, collective commitment – we have enabled a planting project to become a moment of sharing and learning for many participants.
These initiatives illustrate how modest gestures can generate significant results
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