
Our local presence

9 strategic countries, with a service offering extended to more than 19 countries worldwide

+120 locations worldwide

50 industrial sites in France

Treating medical waste - PIMW

Medical waste treatment © Séché Environnement
Das Wesentliche

Comprehensive support for healthcare establishments and professionals

Rigorous traceability of waste

Optimized costs through decontamination

Initiatives to raise awareness and spread best practice

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Supporting healthcare professionals

Legislation requires Potentially Infectious Medical Waste (PIMW) to be disposed of in accordance with strict rules.

Operating all throughout France, our subsidiary Séché Healthcare works alongside clinics, hospitals, care homes, as well as laboratories, doctors, dentists, nurses, vets, and healthcare professionals to process and dispose of waste safely to avoid any risk of contamination.

How we process PIMW

Grouping of yellow garbage cans on the DASRI site © Séché Environnement

Collection of PIMW

We provide clients with a wide range of puncture-proof, hermetic containers, maintaining traceability through bar codes that are scanned several times during the collection process.
Séché Transports 19-ton DASRI carrier © Séché Environnement

Secure transport

Our vehicles are split into two compartments - one for uncontaminated packaging and the other a hermetic space for PIMW, which is washed and disinfected after every collection is unloaded. All our collection drivers have been trained in how to safely collect PIMW.
Banalization of DASRI. © Séché Environnement.


Pre-treatment (disinfection, microwave treatment, etc.) inactivates microorganisms and makes medical waste harmless. The waste is then ground to minimize the volume before it is sent to be disposed of as non-hazardous waste.
The Sénerval waste-to-energy plant in Strasbourg (67). © Séché Environnement. Photo : Bogner.


Your waste is disposed of by incineration. The energy generated through the process is recovered to power urban or industrial heating networks or produce electricity.

Our expert at your service

Based all throughout France, our experts are ideally positioned to provide local support wherever you are. Contact us so we can define your needs and take rapid action.

Key figures

4,000 tons
of waste treated each year
loyal clients
>10 years 

Reasons to place your trust in us    

End-to-end support

Our teams put in place the resources required to suit your needs and support you through the administrative process. You have your own client account page to track the provision of the service. We organize for waste to be transported and disposed of within 72 hours

Our teams put in place the resources required to suit your needs and support you through the administrative process. You have your own client account page to track the provision of the service. We organize for waste to be transported and disposed of within 72 hours

Safety above all else

PIMW is conditioned in hermetic, puncture-proof containers, providing physical protection from injury and illness. The quality of our containers and proper conditioning guarantee the safety of everyone involved in the disposal chain. Our containers are identified with clear markings indicating the type of waste and where it comes from in order to ensure complete traceability

PIMW is conditioned in hermetic, puncture-proof containers, providing physical protection from injury and illness. The quality of our containers and proper conditioning guarantee the safety of everyone involved in the disposal chain. Our containers are identified with clear markings indicating the type of waste and where it comes from in order to ensure complete traceability

A partner to healthcare professionals

The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the essential nature of our work. During the pandemic, our teams responsible for dealing with Potentially Infectious Medical Waste were on the front line helping healthcare services continue operating in this most unprecedented situation. Our individual and collective engagement and sense of responsibility represent the true strength of the Séché Environnement group. 

The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the essential nature of our work. During the pandemic, our teams responsible for dealing with Potentially Infectious Medical Waste were on the front line helping healthcare services continue operating in this most unprecedented situation. Our individual and collective engagement and sense of responsibility represent the true strength of the Séché Environnement group. 

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