Séché Environnement once again recognised for its extra-financial performance
After the Sustainalytics agency, which raised the Group’s extra-financial rating last November, it is now the turn of the EthiFinance rating agency to recognise Séché Environnement’s excellent extra-financial performance with a further increase in its rating.
The Group has been awarded a gold medal for its ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) performance, with a score of 75 out of 100 in 2023, up thirteen points on the previous year.
EthiFinance’s extra-financial rating subsidiary, EthiFinance ESG Ratings, evaluates companies on the basis of nearly 140 criteria divided into four categories: Environment, Social, Governance and Stakeholders. This assessment measures the transparency of information, the maturity of policies implemented and progress made in terms of sustainable development.
This improvement in Séché Environnement’s extra-financial rating is combined with high rates of eligibility and alignment with the European green taxonomy: over the first half of 2023, 86% of the group’s turnover is eligible and 67% is aligned, based on the six objectives set by the European Commission.
„Our extra-financial performance and the high degree of alignment of our activities with the European green taxonomy are proof of the sustainability of our business model. They underline our ability to support our customers, both industrial and local authorities, in meeting the challenges of the ecological transition,“ says Maxime Séché, CEO of Séché Environnement.
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