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Séché Eco Industries Le Vigeant

Recovering non-hazardous waste in the Poitiers area
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Producing energy from waste

Our team at Séché Eco Industries - Le Vigeant provide solutions to treat industrial waste and non-hazardous waste from Vienne and its neighboring departments in south-west France.

To do so, we operate a Non-Hazardous Waste Storage Facility that meets high environmental quality standards. As part of our endeavors to preserve resources and promote the circular economy, we produce electricity from the biogas generated by treating this waste. Producing energy in this way serves to cover the annual demand of 5,000 people in the local community. At the same time, our solar park generates 3.7 GWh per year, equivalent to the electricity use of 1,700 people.

We also have a specific storage cell for waste containing traces of asbestos, thereby helping to protect the environment. Furthermore, we provide transit solutions for certain types of mixed recyclable waste (papers, card) to make the subsequent recovery process easier.

Praktische Informationen


La Ressière
86150 Le Vigeant, Frankreich

Tel: +33549 845 791


Communications and PR Manager – West 
Marine Bainvel

Site Manager – operations
Claire-Odile Fonteneau

Business Manager
Julien Laubus

Opening hours

Monday: 7.30am-7pm
Tuesday: 7.30am-7pm
Wednesday: 7.30am-7pm
Thursday: 7.30am-7pm
Friday: 7.30am-7pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Waste drop-off hours

Monday to Friday: 8am-5.30pm

Séché Eco Industries Le Vigeant in figures

Energy recovery
11 GWh per year
the electricity produced from the biogas generated by waste is equivalent to the demand of 5,000 people
Solar energy
20,000 m²
of photovoltaic panels, supplying 3.7 GWh per year, equivalent to the electricity used by 1,700 people
150,000 tons
of waste can be treated at our facility each year

Our equipment

The Non-Hazardous Waste Storage Facility

We store non-recyclable waste in secure, hermetic storage cells that capture liquid and gas. Once full, the storage cells are closed and become the focus of a renaturing project.

Biogas recovery unit

This generator is powered by the biogas generated through the natural fermentation of waste. This process generates enough energy to meet the annual requirements of 5,000 residents.

Water quality: Membrane bioreactor

After the biological treatment process, rainwater that has percolated into the waste stored must be filtered through various membranes that trap purifying bacteria, organic micropollutants, and heavy metals etc.


We have always sought to improve our practices, measure our impact on the environment and achieve the highest standards with respect to energy and environmental performance.

Biodiversity protection

Our commitment to the community

To help tackle the many emergencies facing society with respect to the climate, public health, biodiversity and natural resources, we are stepping up our efforts and objectives. Our local, circular, low-carbon solutions help bring about the essential transition toward a more responsible economy.
Find out more about the Group's commitments

Encouraging local biodiversity

In collaboration with a team of naturalists and ecologists, we make sure we assess and support biodiversity to thrive at our site to benefit the wider region. We have created two lakes to encourage a rich variety of wildlife, including insects, amphibians, bats and birds (a population specially monitored by the Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux). We also planted trees to further promote diversity among local wildlife.

In collaboration with a team of naturalists and ecologists, we make sure we assess and support biodiversity to thrive at our site to benefit the wider region. We have created two lakes to encourage a rich variety of wildlife, including insects, amphibians, bats and birds (a population specially monitored by the Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux). We also planted trees to further promote diversity among local wildlife.

Our services

Waste collection: an ecologistics park at your service

We support you in managing your non-hazardous waste by providing transport services and supplying dumpsters, as well as by sending it to the appropriate authorized treatment channels.


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