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General Assembly © Séché Environnement

Taking part in shareholder meetings

Voting and taking part in the General Meeting requires that you prove your identity and your status as shareholder by certifying the accounting registration of your shares in your name (or in the name of your broker) by the second business day preceding the date of the General Meeting i.e., by April 23rd 2025 by zero hour (Paris time). Your shares must be registered:
  • either in the accounts of registered shares held by the representative of Séché Environnement’s, i.e.

Service Assemblées 90
90-110 Esplanade du Général de Gaulle
92931 Paris la Défense Cedex

  • or in the accounts of bearer shares held by the broker with whom your shares are registered. 

You have the choice between exercising your voting right remotely or attending the meeting in person.

In order to remotely vote

You can:
• vote by post,
• give a proxy to the Chairman of the meeting, or
• give a proxy to another shareholder, your spouse or any other individual or legal person of your choice.

In all cases, you need to use this specific form
Download Formular für Einzelabstimmung und Vollmacht für die Jahreshauptversammlung 2025

Are you holding registered shares?

Uptevia will send you a pre-filled form along with your notice of meeting. You can also download the blank form and fill it in.

Uptevia will send you a pre-filled form along with your notice of meeting. You can also download the blank form and fill it in.

Are you holding bearer shares?

You can download the form (see the box on the left) or request it in writing from Uptevia, at least six (6) days before the date of the Meeting.

Once you have completed and signed the form, you must return it to your broker that manages your shares, and he will draw up a participation certificate and then forward these two documents to Uptevia. ln order to be taken into account and be processed, these two documents must be received by Uptevia at the latest three (3) days before the date of the General Meeting.

You can download the form (see the box on the left) or request it in writing from Uptevia, at least six (6) days before the date of the Meeting.

Once you have completed and signed the form, you must return it to your broker that manages your shares, and he will draw up a participation certificate and then forward these two documents to Uptevia. ln order to be taken into account and be processed, these two documents must be received by Uptevia at the latest three (3) days before the date of the General Meeting.

How to vote?

Voting by post

If you wish to cast a postal vote, you have to tick the box

 ”Vote by post”

on the front of the form, and then express your choice for each of the resolutions submitted to the General Meeting. You should indicate on the form your full name and address in the box provided for this purpose if this is not already indicated on the form, then sign and date the form, and return it to:

  • Uptevia for holders of registered shares
  • to your broker that manages your shares for holders of bearer shares.

ln order to be taken into account and be processed, the postal voting form, together with the participation certificate for holders of bearer shares, must be received by Uptevia at the latest three (3) days before the date of General Meeting.

If you wish to cast a postal vote, you have to tick the box

 ”Vote by post”

on the front of the form, and then express your choice for each of the resolutions submitted to the General Meeting. You should indicate on the form your full name and address in the box provided for this purpose if this is not already indicated on the form, then sign and date the form, and return it to:

  • Uptevia for holders of registered shares
  • to your broker that manages your shares for holders of bearer shares.

ln order to be taken into account and be processed, the postal voting form, together with the participation certificate for holders of bearer shares, must be received by Uptevia at the latest three (3) days before the date of General Meeting.

Giving proxy to the Chairman of the Meeting

To give a proxy to the Chairman of the General Meeting, you have to tick the box

“I hereby give my proxy to the Chairman of the General Meeting”

on the front of the form.

You should indicate on the form your full name and address in the box provided for this purpose if this is not already indicated on the form, then sign and date the form, and return it to:

  • Uptevia for holders of registered shares
  • your broker that manages your shares for holders of bearer shares.

In order to be taken into account and be processed, the proxy form for the Chairman of the Meeting, together with the participation certificate for holders of bearer shares, must be received by Uptevia at the latest three (3) days before the date of General Meeting.

To give a proxy to the Chairman of the General Meeting, you have to tick the box

“I hereby give my proxy to the Chairman of the General Meeting”

on the front of the form.

You should indicate on the form your full name and address in the box provided for this purpose if this is not already indicated on the form, then sign and date the form, and return it to:

  • Uptevia for holders of registered shares
  • your broker that manages your shares for holders of bearer shares.

In order to be taken into account and be processed, the proxy form for the Chairman of the Meeting, together with the participation certificate for holders of bearer shares, must be received by Uptevia at the latest three (3) days before the date of General Meeting.

Voting by proxy

To give a proxy to a mentioned person (individual or legal person of your choice who will represent you at the General Meeting), you have to:

  • tick the box
    “I hereby appoint”
    on the front of the form;
  • indicate the full name and address of your proxy in the box provided for this purpose;
  • indicate your full name and address in the box provided for this purpose if this is not already indicated on the form;
  • sign and date the form and add to it a photocopy of a valid identity document of the proxy holder.

Pursuant to Article L. 22-10-40 of the French Commercial Code, if you decide to be represented by a person other than your spouse or the partner who you have entered into a civil union with, the proxy has to inform you of any event enabling you to assess the risk that the proxy may pursue an interest other than yours. This information relates in particular to the event that the proxy or, as the case may be, the person on behalf of whom it acts, controls Séché Environnement, is a member of a management or supervisory board of an entity of the Séché Environnement Group or is employed by one of them.

The vote by proxy will only be taken into account if the designated proxy shows up himself /herself at the General Meeting with an identity document.

ln order to be taken into account and be processed, the notification of appointment or revocation of proxy must be duly signed, completed and received by Uptevia no later than three (3) days before the date of the General Meeting. Such notification must be sent by electronic means or by ordinary mail, in accordance with the following procedures:

  • For holders of registered shares:
    By post mail to the above-mentioned postal address of Uptevia, or by sending an e-mail bearing your electronic signature resulting from a reliable identification process guaranteeing its link with the remote voting form, to the e­ mail address: specifying your surname, first name, address and your Uptevia identifier for pure registered shareholders (information available at the top left of your securities account statement), or your identifier with your broker for administered registered shareholders, as well as the first name and surname of the appointed or revoked proxy.
  • For holders of bearer shares:
    By post mail to the above-mentioned postal address of Uptevia, or by sending an e-mail bearing your electronic signature resulting from a reliable identification process guaranteeing its link with the remote voting form, to the e­ mail address:, specifying your full name, address and the name and surname of the appointed or revoked proxy, and then requesting your broker who manages your securities account to send written confirmation (by letter) to Uptevia

To give a proxy to a mentioned person (individual or legal person of your choice who will represent you at the General Meeting), you have to:

  • tick the box
    “I hereby appoint”
    on the front of the form;
  • indicate the full name and address of your proxy in the box provided for this purpose;
  • indicate your full name and address in the box provided for this purpose if this is not already indicated on the form;
  • sign and date the form and add to it a photocopy of a valid identity document of the proxy holder.

Pursuant to Article L. 22-10-40 of the French Commercial Code, if you decide to be represented by a person other than your spouse or the partner who you have entered into a civil union with, the proxy has to inform you of any event enabling you to assess the risk that the proxy may pursue an interest other than yours. This information relates in particular to the event that the proxy or, as the case may be, the person on behalf of whom it acts, controls Séché Environnement, is a member of a management or supervisory board of an entity of the Séché Environnement Group or is employed by one of them.

The vote by proxy will only be taken into account if the designated proxy shows up himself /herself at the General Meeting with an identity document.

ln order to be taken into account and be processed, the notification of appointment or revocation of proxy must be duly signed, completed and received by Uptevia no later than three (3) days before the date of the General Meeting. Such notification must be sent by electronic means or by ordinary mail, in accordance with the following procedures:

  • For holders of registered shares:
    By post mail to the above-mentioned postal address of Uptevia, or by sending an e-mail bearing your electronic signature resulting from a reliable identification process guaranteeing its link with the remote voting form, to the e­ mail address: specifying your surname, first name, address and your Uptevia identifier for pure registered shareholders (information available at the top left of your securities account statement), or your identifier with your broker for administered registered shareholders, as well as the first name and surname of the appointed or revoked proxy.
  • For holders of bearer shares:
    By post mail to the above-mentioned postal address of Uptevia, or by sending an e-mail bearing your electronic signature resulting from a reliable identification process guaranteeing its link with the remote voting form, to the e­ mail address:, specifying your full name, address and the name and surname of the appointed or revoked proxy, and then requesting your broker who manages your securities account to send written confirmation (by letter) to Uptevia

Taking part in the general meeting in person

You must get an admittance card that you can request as follows:

  • For holders of registered shares:
    By ticking the relevant box on the form, then signing and dating it, and returning it to the above-mentioned postal address of Uptevia

If you have not received your admittance card in the two business days prior to the General Meeting, you are invited to show up yourself on the day of the General Meeting, with an identity document proof of identity.

  • For holders of bearer shares:

By asking your broker that manages your shares to send you an admittance card.
If you have not received your admittance card in the two business days prior to the General Meeting, you are invited to ask your broker to issue it together with a participation certificate proving your status as shareholder on the second business day prior to the General Meeting.

You must get an admittance card that you can request as follows:

  • For holders of registered shares:
    By ticking the relevant box on the form, then signing and dating it, and returning it to the above-mentioned postal address of Uptevia

If you have not received your admittance card in the two business days prior to the General Meeting, you are invited to show up yourself on the day of the General Meeting, with an identity document proof of identity.

  • For holders of bearer shares:

By asking your broker that manages your shares to send you an admittance card.
If you have not received your admittance card in the two business days prior to the General Meeting, you are invited to ask your broker to issue it together with a participation certificate proving your status as shareholder on the second business day prior to the General Meeting.

Please note

Please note that any shareholder who has either voted by post or sent a proxy or requested an admittance card will no longer be able to choose another mean to participate in the General Meeting.

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Portrait Manuel Andersen © Séché Environnement

Head of Investor Relations
Portrait Laurent Baroux © Séché Environnement

Head of Shareholder Relations

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