Als er zu Séché Traitement des Eaux Industrielles kam, entschied sich Jocelyn, ein erfahrener Techniker mit atypischem Werdegang, zu dem zurückzukehren, was er liebt: Technik und Arbeit vor Ort. Wie alle, die irgendwann den Schritt gewagt haben, war auch er nicht davor gefeit, schöne Begegnungen zu machen. Nach sechs Monaten ist er sich sicher, dass er die richtige Wahl getroffen hat.
Are you familiar with the job of video operator?
Control, inspection, geo-referencing, ... For the past fifteen years, Raphaël has been travelling the length and breadth of the Paris region, inspecting and checking sewer networks using cameras and directional robots
Its day-to-day business? Safely separate chemicals by distillation
Its day-to-day business? Ensuring that every employee feels safe at work.
Between the lab and the field, his days are varied, and that's what he likes about his job.
From technical and financial site management to relations with project stakeholders, she tells us all about her job!
On decontamination or effluent treatment sites, Hadrien is on hand to ensure that safety rules are respected and that everyone goes home in good health.
Anticipation, observation and serenity at work, Jean-Louis tells us all about his job.
Quality of equipment, comfort and peace of mind at work, Didier tells us all about his job.
Working environment, family balance, time management, compliance with safety rules, David tells us all about his job.
Tests, technical analyses and identification of the physico-chemical characteristics of waste hold no secrets for him.
Isabelle Gattepaille is manager of Séché Eco Industries\' selective collection sorting centre in Changé, Mayenne. It\'s a job that requires a perfect knowledge of the technical process as well as solid interpersonal skills.
Marjorie Chemin is Operations Manager at Séché Healthcare's waste from healthcare activities with infectious risks (DASRI) collection centre in Lyon. When the Covid19 epidemic hit, hospitals, nursing homes and all healthcare establishments had to face up to it. So did Marjorie and her team.
Eve Masurel is a chemical engineer at the Séché Environnement R&D center in Saint Vulbas (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes). With a doctorate in process engineering, she coordinates projects to improve industrial facilities and accumulates knowledge of the vast waste treatment sector.
Lina Cano Zabala, has been working for a year as waste acceptance manager at the Sierra Gorda site in the Antofagasta region of Chile.
Alexandra Labarre is safety manager at the Trédi Salaise-sur-Sanne site, which specializes in waste treatment and energy recovery. She works closely with employees to help them develop their skills, raise their awareness of risks and mobilize them around safety issues.
Every day, Katherine Paico works as a project manager at the Raura Mining Unit, in Peru. Leading a team of 15 people, she heads up solid waste management and domestic waste water treatment plant operations.
Claire-Odile Fonteneau is head of operations at the Séché Eco-Industries site in Le Vigeant (France). She describes herself as shy but admits that she has become more confident since she took on the role. Despite her responsibilities, she remains friendly, sincere and modest.
Winnie Ramaru works as a Waste Acceptance Manager in Interwaste treatment division, Maluti, South Africa. She is passionate about environmental sustainability and she considers of paramount importance to reuse resources, water and energy.
Valérie Coulato is director of the Speichim Processing site in Mourenx (Nouvelle Aquitaine), which carries out solvent regeneration as part of a circular economy approach. The secret of her career success can be summed up in two words: determination and perseverance.